"The truth is the mother of Justice"

law antwerp


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people- and family



DE BIE lawyers put on a personal and professional manner to the termination of relationships between partners, –often concerns the divorces, but also the termination of other forms of cohabitation require assistance-, and strive for the fastest and most efficient solution to the attendant problems. There are two ways to obtain a divorce en. on the basis of mutual consent, or on the basis of the inconsolable. If possible, we will always pursue an amicable settlement in divorce now the chances are very high that you need to communicate more with the same parties in the future. This is extremely important when there are children. If an amicable settlement initially not possible, then immediately take the appropriate legal steps to obtain a court settlement to put an end to the difficulties that way. A divorce does not just consist of separation of partners, but also examine the claims relating to parental authority, the residence arrangement and the maintenance contribution for the children, personal alimony, the settlement and division of the common capability, etc., falls below. The lawyers of the firm De Bie possess the necessary knowledge and experience to assist and advise the person- and family which is always paid due attention to the often very emotional side of things, without losing the legal reality in the eye.


Custody and visitation rights for the children

The Family Court has jurisdiction for all disputes relating to custody and access arrangements for children. When parents disagree hit over custody and visitation rights with everything that comes with it, then we can assist you in this with the necessary knowledge and experience. If a parent does not fulfill its maintenance obligations towards children, we will assist you in taking steps to obtain a proper maintenance payments for children. Since 1/9/2014 is the bulk of the family business under the jurisdiction of the Family Court, with the aim that all family disputes are handled by a single Judge. Any problem concerning the children of the Family Court, and thus the same Right, being treated, Also in case you experience changed circumstances in the future. In this way, a stop will be made to the fragmentation of the possible family assets.

family property

The family property includes the marital property, inheritance, donations and the relationships between legal and factual cohabitants. De Bie lawyers have the necessary knowledge and experience to assist you in this matter. After a divorce is to be passed to the equalization and distribution of the common capability, which it is irrelevant whether the parties are not a wedding- or other community contract entered. When spouses enter into a marriage contract, they are automatically married under the legal system. Spouses may opt for closing a prenuptial agreement in which they can opt for a non-standard system, so, for example, the system of separation of goods, or overall community. also actual- or legal cohabitants have opportunities to organize their financial situation, even if they are secreted is the common ability to be distributed. The inheritance is also covered by the family property. The inheritance includes primarily the settlement of the estate, whereby it must be checked how it is assembled and how it should be divided between the heirs, with or without a will. We advise you in your inheritance- and estate planning.


parentage law

governed by the law of parentage include the problems of parental recognition, establishing parenting, usually paternity, contesting paternity and adoptions, a branch of the family which has recently been subject to very much change, so that optimum support is required. This assistance we can give you.

juvenile justice

Juvenile law about minors. When you are going through your child has committed a crime, when it is located in an alarming situation rearing; in short, when the interests of a minor requires the intervention of a judge. required in both cases, assistance and law firm De Bie is particularly specialized in juvenile justice. We assist minors who are in an alarming situation upbringing, and allow their parents.

people- and family



DE BIE lawyers put on a personal and professional manner to the termination of relationships between partners, –often concerns the divorces, but also the termination of other forms of cohabitation require assistance-, and strive for the fastest and most efficient solution to the attendant problems. There are two ways to obtain a divorce en. on the basis of mutual consent, or on the basis of the inconsolable. If possible, we will always pursue an amicable settlement in divorce now the chances are very high that you need to communicate more with the same parties in the future. This is extremely important when there are children. If an amicable settlement initially not possible, then immediately take the appropriate legal steps to obtain a court settlement to put an end to the difficulties that way. A divorce does not just consist of separation of partners, but also examine the claims relating to parental authority, the residence arrangement and the maintenance contribution for the children, personal alimony, the settlement and division of the common capability, etc., falls below. The lawyers of the firm De Bie possess the necessary knowledge and experience to assist and advise the person- and family which is always paid due attention to the often very emotional side of things, without losing the legal reality in the eye.


Custody and visitation rights for the children

The Family Court has jurisdiction for all disputes relating to custody and access arrangements for children. When parents disagree hit over custody and visitation rights with everything that comes with it, then we can assist you in this with the necessary knowledge and experience. If a parent does not fulfill its maintenance obligations towards children, we will assist you in taking steps to obtain a proper maintenance payments for children. Since 1/9/2014 is the bulk of the family business under the jurisdiction of the Family Court, with the aim that all family disputes are handled by a single Judge. Any problem concerning the children of the Family Court, and thus the same Right, being treated, Also in case you experience changed circumstances in the future. In this way, a stop will be made to the fragmentation of the possible family assets.

family property

The family property includes the marital property, inheritance, donations and the relationships between legal and factual cohabitants. De Bie lawyers have the necessary knowledge and experience to assist you in this matter. After a divorce is to be passed to the equalization and distribution of the common capability, which it is irrelevant whether the parties are not a wedding- or other community contract entered. When spouses enter into a marriage contract, they are automatically married under the legal system. Spouses may opt for closing a prenuptial agreement in which they can opt for a non-standard system, so, for example, the system of separation of goods, or overall community. also actual- or legal cohabitants have opportunities to organize their financial situation, even if they are secreted is the common ability to be distributed. The inheritance is also covered by the family property. The inheritance includes primarily the settlement of the estate, whereby it must be checked how it is assembled and how it should be divided between the heirs, with or without a will. We advise you in your inheritance- and estate planning.


parentage law

governed by the law of parentage include the problems of parental recognition, establishing parenting, usually paternity, contesting paternity and adoptions, a branch of the family which has recently been subject to very much change, so that optimum support is required. This assistance we can give you.

juvenile justice

Juvenile law about minors. When you are going through your child has committed a crime, when it is located in an alarming situation rearing; in short, when the interests of a minor requires the intervention of a judge. required in both cases, assistance and law firm De Bie is particularly specialized in juvenile justice. We assist minors who are in an alarming situation upbringing, and allow their parents.